Cannes Lions

Another Kind of Promo


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In March 2020, COVID-19 forced Italian businesses to close their doors.

They had to stop, and so did Fiat Professional, because the brand business depends on theirs.

The question became how to re-start the Fiat Professional brand when clients literally weren’t moving.


The first promo campaign that, instead of promoting Fiat Professional's vehicles, promoted those who drive them: Fiat Pro's customers.


Since Fiat Pro's business depends on its clients' business, we realized the best way to promote their vans was to promote who drives them.

This is why we decided to turn a promotional campaign for Fiat Pro into a promotional campaign for several of their customers. We tailored every ad to make it unique for the business of an FP customer, and promoted them on all Fiat Pro media platforms. This gave a series of small businesses a much wider audience, helping them restart. And with them, our business restarted too.


We already had a classic promo campaign ready. But, at the end of the lockdown, instead of going on air we went back to work, calling back the campaign director and the photographers, and creating a new ad for each of our clients.

We gave them all of Fiat Pro's media spaces to promote their businesses by featuring their real work. This meant taking the brand away from clean 3D vans and artificial backdrops, and going into their dusty workshops, with real, used vans, making a different kind of print ad.

We promoted their businesses through print campaigns, TV commercials, radio ads and online advertising, giving them the visibility of a much larger business.

By working twice over, we kept their businesses moving forward, and kept ours moving with them.


The featured customers saw their customer lists grow by +15% and their overall orders by +20%. Additionally, as a result of the increased visibility, the traffic on the professionals’ social profiles increased by +1140% and reached a whopping 10M impressions.

In the end, while helping them, the brand went further too, as the Fiat Professional sales figures registered a + 170% increase (vs. June 2019).

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