Cannes Lions

AT&T Holiday 2022 "Unwrap Possibilities"

AT&T, Dallas / AT&T / 2023

Presentation Image
Case Film






For the 2022 Holiday Season, AT&T created festive spectacles designed to inspire “possibilities”, and which were featured at their Flagship stores in Chicago, San Francisco, and Dallas. The holiday display expressed the idea that unwrapping a new phone or tablet is about unwrapping the possibilities of the connected network, and that our devices and services are more than just what is in the box. They are makers of memories and portals that allow us to explore our world, and they serve as access to education, opportunities, and livelihoods.


The idea was to drive traffic into AT&T Flagship stores while also creating an engaging, fun experience and interaction for consumers. What better way to do that than by giving gifts to customers to open all holiday long through a scavenger hunt and AR interactions? Interactive campaign elements were designed to engage consumers during their shopping journey to imagine the impacts their selection of gifts from AT&T could have upon the recipients of their holiday gifts.


Targeting the holiday gift-giver, the AT&T Flagship Holiday campaign focused on consumers in the Dallas, Chicago and San Francisco Flagship stores. Emphasis was given to interactive technology in order to encourage shoppers and tourists to explore the “possibilities” from both outside and inside of the stores.

The traditional retail holiday window treatment was amplified through an Alternative Reality (AR) activation that unlocked access to AT&T’s key products and services. Each AR activation, inside and outside the store, illustrated the magic of gift-giving, the connection between the gift, and the possibilities enabled in the life of the recipient.


Using visual elements aligned with AT&T’s national Holiday campaign (November 2022 – January 2023), the window display brought magic to life. Six different wrapped objects sparked curiosity by featuring QR codes bringing the wrapped objects to life by visually illustrating possibilities of each gift.

Once inside, an accompanying AR experience offered a unique scavenger hunt experience. Customers were encouraged to find three glittery gift boxes throughout the store. Each gift box included a QR code that, when scanned, produced an animation of ribbons and glitter.

A companion AR experience, comprised of transparent screens, presented a “gift possibilities explorer” featuring multiple merchandising groups per store, further encouraging continued browsing of AT&T’s entire offering of Holiday gift ideas. 

The AR content featured localized footage for each city to best resonate with the customers in that location. Custom motion graphics followed the AT&T cobalt ribbon through each city, symbolizing magic and possibilities throughout.


The campaign encouraged holiday gift-givers to immerse in the AT&T Flagship holiday environment and its offerings, thanks to the interactive AR experiences and scavenger hunt. With a completion engagement rate of 75%, AT&T holiday’s AR scavenger hunt unwrapped and inspired our holiday shoppers in new and exciting ways.

The campaign saw over 4M impressions and 630 posts with 99% positive sentiment and a 47% increase in followers for store specific social handles throughout the Holiday.

Use of Interactive technology and personalized experiences provided a more engaging and memorable shopping experience for the gift givers this holiday season. The campaign reinforced the brand’s image as innovative and cutting- edge while delivering a 93% positive branded experience; proving when you connect customers to content and experiences they care about, both they and the Brand win.

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