Spikes Asia

Australia's National Sport Is...

ARC EDIT, Sydney / TAB / 2024







The edit is the perfect demonstration of a conversation spreading like wildfire across Australia, and building to a cliff-hanger, then lingering on the answer to the debate, only to be triggered again in the final moment. It heightens the visual storytelling of the debate as passions run high within everyday Australians — creating an ode to Australia’s love affair with healthy jocular competition. The challenge was to weave together multiple narratives happening at the same time, while still building emotion. The result is classic movie editing, motivated by storytelling above all else.


'Sport is our sport’ centres around a raucous debate about ‘what is Australia’s national sport?’ It’s a grand slam of an argument that springs between different sports and punters. From soccer to cane toad racing to the bingo table, showing the versatility of what TAB has to offer. The comedic spot captures Australians from all walks of life arguing about what is the true answer…

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