Cannes Lions


BANCO DE EVENTOS, Sao Paulo / AMBEV / 2012

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Carnival in Rio is known worldwide for being stage for great performances on the streets but also present a real war of the major brands of beer in the national market.

Brahma’s beer history is directly connected to Brazilian Carnaval. Since 1990 Brahma has been gathering celebrities from around the globe to enjoy Rio de Janeiro’s Carnaval parade. Even though it’s an exclusive and restricted area, this history has fed the desire to be a part of this experience in every Brazilian. It was time to make this dream come true.

The dispute to become the dominant beer during Brazilian Carnaval has been occurring for years. However, only Brahma has its history directly connected to the party.

Many years prior to becoming the stage for Carnaval, the Marquês de Sapucaí Avenue already was the address of the first Brahma factory. 21 editions of the Brahma VIP Box were held at this venue.

Even though it’s an exclusive area, this history has fed the desire to be a part of this experience in every Brazilian. But, how to make 190m Brazilians feel like they were a part of the same party?

Brazilian Carnaval = party + samba + beer Every year, Brazilian beer brands fight over the post to become the protagonist of the party.

How to use the Brahma VIP Box in order to get closer to Brazilians and transform the whole strategy into a Branded Entertainment? An opportunity to transform an event into a communication platform.

For the first time ever, a concept created for Carnaval became a TV commercial.


We transformed the VIP Box into content, creating a verb so that all Brazilians could be involved in the party: SAPUCAR.

Even prior to airing the TV campaign, bloggers and trendsetters encouraged Brazilians to provide their interpretations of the verb on the web.


Quantifiable results:-Promotions that ‘Sapucated ‘-5 VIP Area tickets were drawn -A new stand for the winners of a competition using the word Sapucar in a phrase -More than 200,000 participants -750 winners -6,000 people on the stands (during 3-days) -The most commented beer brand of Brazilian Carnaval -(30% of the comments out of the 70% respondent base claimed that 'beer' was the product that literally dominated Brazilian Carnaval) (Source: Provoker's Survey / March 2012) Impact of media: -6,255 Brahma's spontaneous appearances X 2,462 (main competitor) -14 trending topics on twitter -517% of fans growth on Facebook (from 155.381 to 537.353 in 17 days) -3.8% share of market increase -Growth on tri (2011 X 2012) = growth of about US$400m (Source: Nielsen/ March 2012) An entire country ‘Sapucated’!

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