
Bringing an outdated National Holiday into the 21st century

XXS Amsterdam, Schiphol / HEMA / 2016

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Sinterklaas, the primary Dutch family holiday in December, is even bigger than Christmas. A strong Dutch tradition, unchanged for centuries. HEMA's objective was to steer clear of the public debate criticizing the holiday for its racist denotation, and give Sinterklaas back to the children. Shifting the debate altogether by reminding The Netherlands that Sinterklaas is a children's holiday.


Influencial vloggers called out for kids nationwide to participate.

The news was spread via print media and online publications in the domains of parents and children.

Tutorial video's were launched as inspiration as pre-rolls and on TV.

The contest started and ran for three weeks.

Weekly winners were chosen.

At the end of the campaign period 10 winners were selected.

Their songs were recorded in the world famous Wisseloord Studio's in Hilversum (where legends such as Elton John, Michael Jackson and The Beetles recorded) and released on Spotify over the Sinterklaas weekend.

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