Cannes Lions

Cast a Snickers

BBDO PUERTO RICO, Guaynabo / MARS / 2017

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Case Film






This was the 4th official debate where all six candidates would be present. Ratings for each one skyrocketed and comments made by the candidates controlled social media conversation for days. Some comments were repeated over and over because of their content and some because of their lack of it. In an island where people get teased for everything they say, hunger can be blamed for any piece of uncharacteristic content a public figure produces. We knew this could be a field day for hunger so we came up with the idea to "Cast a Snickers" in the debate's host podium so that every time the host asked a question, our brand was in the spotlight for the whole country to see.


As soon as our brand hit the spotlight both in National Television and Univisión's Facebook Live coverage, we turned on our alternate "second screen experience" through Snickers Puerto Rico's Facebook Live coverage of the event. On it we asked people to vote for the candidate who was displaying hunger symptoms through a color system that represented each candidate's party. When the fans decided which one of the candidates was the hungriest, we developed a hunger symptom in real time which our host then deposited in the corresponding urn.


During the product integration the debate's ratings went up from 5.2 to 8.4 points. Our Facebook relevance score went to a 9 in a market which averages a 4. And most importantly in a market of 2.1 million Facebook users we reached 1.89 million unique Facebook users.

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