
Climate Offers

SAATCHI & SAATCHI, Dusseldorf / REWE / 2023

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Case Film
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REWE is Germany's second largest food retailer with around 3,600 shops throughout the country. The history of the full-range retailer goes back to the 1920s. There are stores in various sizes, tailored to the demographic location. Unlike any other food retailer, REWE is driving the transformation towards greater sustainability, and has even embedded this goal in its declaration of principles.


Final sales, special offers, general price reductions or simply strikethrough prices are the trade's drawing cards, especially at the beginning of each year. Exactly in this price-sensitive period, we did not strike through prices but emission values: The REWE Climate Offers were born. In a surprising way they made it clear that you can save up to 84% CO2e if you choose products without animal ingredients.


Germans are the discount kings and queens when it comes to buying food. Unlike in France, Switzerland or Italy, good food is not a direct part of the tradition. Quality has therefore never played as big a role as price. However, for more than 2/3 of Germans, climate protection is a very important issue and has already had a significant impact on German consumers. The campaign is part of the sustainability and transformation platform #RETHINKABLE, with which REWE provokes a mindshift and shows Germans time and again that sustainable action and conscious consumption are not that difficult. At the beginning of the year, the promotion of the vegan range was intended to send a clear signal in the direction of environmental and climate protection.


For the campaign, we directly related the CO2 emissions of vegan and animal products. They replaced the strikethrough prices on the classic price brand designs of REWE's offer communication. A real eye-catcher. Because the topic of saving money surprisingly met the context of climate protection. Suddenly it was no longer about saving money, but about saving CO2 emissions – another building block of our sustainability campaign #RETHINKABLE.


The campaign was immediately picked up by the press and achieved a PR reach of approx. 72 million contacts, which equals a media value of approx. 1.4 million €. The out-of-home reach was approx. 25 million contacts and digitally it achieved approx. 2.5 million ad impressions. This led to an increase in sales of the vegan range of around 29% in the campaign period compared to the previous year. But even more important, over 1 million kg of CO2 emissions were saved during the campaign period, just with the five hero products alone. And this does not include the pull effect of the campaign for the following period.

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