Cannes Lions



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The Situation:In Colombia, many of our most representative artisanal handicrafts are in danger of vanishing forever.

The Brand:Club Colombia is a premium beer made in our country with the same dedication, time and attention to detail that is given to our handicrafts.The Main Objective:To retain the brand's premium status but expand its reach, and grow in the 'for me' brand attribute among average Colombians, not just its 'premium' current consumers.The Initiative:We identified our artisanal handicrafts in danger of disappearing, became the voice of the artisans and invited Colombians to get involved in the rescue of this important part of our identity. In other words, we became the advocates of the handicrafts we do with great attention to detail, time and dedication here, in our country. The Outcome:Massive involvement from different audiences. 10 artisanal handicrafts from 10 different communities received start up capital and counselling in how to better market their products, as well as support in different fields and above all, the chance to not only keep the tradition alive, but to expand it and allow us Colombians to feel proud of what is ours. The brand can say that all of its commercial indicators increased, but even better is that it can say it did something much bigger than that.


Initial StageAfter approaching government entities, a group of experts travelled across the country to identify those handicrafts in danger of disappearing and made a selection based on sustainability, impact on the community and potential to become small businesses.We involved opinion leaders as well and staged an important press conference.Countrywide InvolvementThrough different media we invited all Colombians to learn about the handicrafts and vote for 1 in order to rescue it. 10 short documentaries became the voice of the artisans.Colombians voted, shared and commented.3 artisans designed special labels that were printed on ClubColombia cans were distributed nationwide (4m special edition cans) Sharing Our PrideBesides the big winner all the others handicrafts received start-up capital, were included in the country’s largest entrepreneurship program and many are now being promoted in international fairs.The initiative became a permanent platform and the same group of experts is currently travelling throughout the regions to conduct a follow up.


- Brand attribute 'for me' increased from 22% to 25%- Brand attribute 'made with time and dedication' increased- Sales increased 24%- Market share increased from 7% to 9%- We obtained free press in the amount of US$80,000- Incalculable value of prime time broadcast of the documentaries to the entire country- 3 universities from different regions engaged their student bodies in mobilisations to support the initiative- A topic which was only spoken of by artisans became a topic for young people (12,000 comments in social networks)- 20 spontaneous groups were created on Facebook- fans of the brand increased by 30%- Frequent consumption increased from 32% to 37%The government entity in charge of artisanal heritage honoured the brand with an award. Ralph Lauren and Donna Karan requested samples of 2 techniques in order to study them. The country learned about the winners through the digital platform, social media and printed press that circulated the news.The initiative became a permanent platform for the brand. 

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