Cannes Lions


eYeka Asia, Singapore / COCA-COLA / 2012

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In 2011, Coca-Cola had a new challenge: How can a 126 year-old brand engage fans in emerging Asian markets with the new positioning, ‘Energizing Refreshment’, that is both credible but also drives reconsideration of the brand.Coca-Cola recognised this as an opportunity to engage with their consumers across the globe, through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and YouTube Coca-Cola in order to get them to interpret and debate what energising refreshment looks and feels like, across geographies, languages and cultures.In 12 weeks, nearly 3,000 creators came back with their Coke vision in Print, Illustration and Video of amazing quality, far surpassing expectations. Dialogue around this project help spread the buzz, which inspired more people to join and compete with each other, generating more than 6m consumer generated interpretations from Coca-Cola websites alone. Not only were interactions between consumers and the brand enhanced, this initiative has caused a ripple effect within Coca-Cola in the way things are done and the way they look at accessing creative and fresh ideas. In 3 months, 3 core objectives were achieved (1) over 7m consumers were inspired and engaged to provide creative interpretations of the brand (2) Coke had a bank of creative material that was testing above the Global averages, with 100% market adoption (3) Unprecedented 92% productivity.


1. Coca-Cola invited 2 core segments to consumers to interpret ‘Energizing Refreshment’: Creative Opinion Leaders•Posting Douban site, which prompted 1475 responses•A contest banner ad on Redocn, which prompted 1076 people to sign up •A Forum Thread on Redocn which prompted 22979 Responses•Sending Direct mailers to 20 arts colleges across Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and China •Leveraging a creative community database of over 200,000 creative opinion leaders from 94 countries Mass consumer•Through Coca-Cola websites engaging over 16.6m people•Leveraging postings on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter inviting consumers to a central website to register


The campaign surpassed objectives and expectations and has a ripple effect across the organisation in how Coca-Cola source creative content.

1. Generating Consumer Engagement2. Worldwide buzz: •6,095,666 blog mentions, •37,370 tweets,•34.7m impressions•2616 approved entries from 91 countries•50 finalist entries of design/illustration•26 finalist entries of photography•13 finalist entries of videos/animation•Facebook fans increased to 34m+ 2. Achieving Creative Excellence: •Content films achieved unprecedented ranking in the link score test •Testing in sample markets yielded results as high as top 10% of all-time best ads and 15% of all-time best ads for Purchase Intent 3. Achieving Productivity Efficiencies:•Creative material 100% adoption across all markets vs. average of 47% adoption•Cost savings efficiencies of 92% against average Agency fees and production costs

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