Cannes Lions








We were asked to create a global digital and experiential campaign to launch Intel’s 2nd Generation Intel Core Processor, highlighting the benefits and experiences enabled by the processor with in-built graphics capabilities.

We snap, capture, edit, share, watch and replay our entire lives – and we do all of this through our computers, everyday. Our solution was to show people just how visual their lives had become and invite them to explore that side of their lives further. To inspire people to realise their - and the processor’s - potential we created a series of inspirational profile films documenting the visual lives of influential individuals. Further films are currently in production and Pop up experiences, containing all of the Visual Life content, films and product demonstrations will tour selected markets as the product begins to role out.


Visual Life was launched at CES in Las Vegas with an Intel Core Chip powered party for 200 of the world’s leading bloggers and journalists. It included film, VJs, performance, art and photography and gave everyone plenty to talk, write and blog about. An Invitation film invited the public to share their visual lives. Entries came rolling in through our dedicated YouTube Channel, Facebook page and Visual Life website.

People were asked to share and judge the work of others, overall winners in photography and film received a Visual Life tech makeover. The first film explores the life of popular street-style fashion blogger, Scott Schuman. Scott’s blog served as tool to further disseminate the campaign to a wider target audience.

Further films are currently in production, and Pop up experiences - containing films and product demonstrations will tour selected markets as the product begins to roll out.


In the first 3 weeks, the campaign generated 800+ articles on and off line.

The first profile film was viewed 500,000+ times on YouTube with 1400 comments across both YouTube and The Sartorialist’s blog and the campaign generated 3800+ tweets. Intel’s website received 145,000 unique visitors and the average time spent on the Visual Life site was an incredible 7 minutes. Over 900 consumers submitted their own movies to the Visual Life competition, with each film generating and average of 18 votes and 300 comments. In all over the first 4 months of the campaign there have been over 2.3M Visual Life content views.

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