Cannes Lions

Concept i4 Social Stings

AIXSPONZA, Munich / BMW / 2020

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As all motor shows got Corona-cancelled BMW put more emphasis on online/social presentations of their concept and show cars. The brief was to create enganging content in a modern, trendy and progressive way to be used mainly on Instagram but also Facebook and Twitter. There was no need to show and talk about actual features of the car in a blatant straightforward way. Features were supposed to be shown in a more subtle way. Additionally current Instagram trends were needed to be picked up to play well with the younger 30-40 years target group of the Concept i4 electrical car.


The idea was to pick up on Instagrams looping videos and the "oddly satisfying" trend of having animations that soothingly loop. Additionally a kinda "soft" world with a friendly pastelle color palette and minimalistic shapes needed to be created for a nice stage for our main hero character, the Concept i4.

Features of the car should only be subtly put into the animations. For example the Concept i4 is indeed a concept car, but one that is very close to a prodcution vehicle. So to convey this idea we created a stylized car production line - not in the shape of an actual factory but with a bit of artistic and fun license. Our car production line happens in a bakery where the cars ingredients are put into a baking try and produced by a solar baking system. This idea was excecuted on all individual animations. "The car has sensors for environment recognition" translated into navigating a quirky environment with turning concrete carousels and the like.

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