Cannes Lions

Constellation of The Fallen


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Case Film






On October 16, 1973 under the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, the execution of 26 people occurred in the Atacama Desert, Chile. The same place that is recognized worldwide as the best place in the world to observe the stars.

Together with Amnesty International Chile and the ESO Fellow observatory, we selected 26 stars under the same sky, at the same time and in the same place where these 26 people were executed to create the first monument in the universe in honor of those executed in dictatorship: The Constellation of the Fallen.

We create Asterism (Set of stars that form something) the classic candle of Amnesty International to commemorate these 26 fallen dictatorship hosted on a website where we could travel the constellation, know their life and their history through its star.



Constellation of the Fallen is a symbolic constellation in tribute to the 26 political executed in dictatorship in the Atacama Desert. In partnership with the ESO Observatory we defined 26 stars in the same spot, date and time they were executed to rename them with the names of these executed and immortalize them in the same sky that someday saw them leave, using social networks and a website to know the constellation and for generate empathy with the Chileans and search signatures that would help us achieve the symbolic approval of this new constellation. Amnesty International turned the power of the Human Rights Day into great opportunity for awareness in Chile and for other Latin American countries that lived through the dictatorship.



With 0 budget and more than 3 million impressions the constellation was content in every news media and became a powerful symbol that create awareness, ignited the conversation on a fact that does not want to be remembered in Chile and paid tribute to the victims and their relatives who still continue with the incessant search of their remains. Level 1: only in the first week and without paid support: More than 4,000 unique visits. More than 1 million impressions in the media. - Coverage: Channel 24, TVN, TVN Antofagasta, El Ciudadano, El Desconcierto, El Mercurio, Cooperativa, El Dinamo, El Clarín (Argentina), El Sur (Mexico), La Conexión USA (Mexico), Última Hora (Paraguay) and many more.- Participation of celebrities Pablo Simonetti (Writer), José Maza (Astronomer and National Prize of Exact Sciences 1999), Carmen Hertz (Deputy), Vlado Mirosevic (Deputy), Luis Barrales (Playwright). Positive reactions from mainstream.

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