Cannes Lions


PEREIRA & O'DELL, San Francisco / CORONA / 2012

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Corona Extra, the number one imported beer brand in the U.S., evolved the "Find Your Beach" mantra in 2011 to challenge consumers to be introspective. The campaign introduces a new wave of interactive elements to transform the "Corona Beach" from a physical place to a state of mind, an evolution for the traditionally beach-oriented beer brand.The mobile application “Beach Break” rewards users for interacting with the brand and finding their own beach. With the app users are encouraged to earn points by checking into their personalized beaches and completing tasks. Whether it's checking in at a stadium or a ski lodge, challenges will change depending on the user's lifestyle, the season and even holidays.Once earned, points will be deposited into the participant’s online point bank and can be used to acquire merchandise, offers and other items of value from the “Beach Break Store”. Bigger challenges such as organizing a tailgate or happy hour can earn significantly higher points. You could earn a trip to Mexico, a round of golf, or even spa treatments.


Nowadays, people are always on their cell phones. Even while relaxing. We had a better idea than creating a mobile app. Therefore, we created the ‘Corona Extra unAPP’: an iPhone case with a built-in bottle opener, handed out at bars during the launch and available for sale at Because sometimes you just need to relax with an ice-cold Corona.


Each challenge passed earns Corona fans points redeemable for great prizes in the Corona Store Fans increased by 41% surpassing the 1m mark. To date, Corona Beach Break is the top rated beer brand app on the market, downloaded 700% more than the average beer app proving that fans agree that the only true way to find your beach is to log off and lime in.

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