Cannes Lions

Corona Studios: Healing at Rainbow River

AB INBEV, New York / CORONA / 2020

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Our brand's editorial passion points include travel, a concept of growing importance to our audience. Our brand values ascribe to feelings of disconnection and engagement with one's self - values aligned to wellness and important to our audience. Our studio set-up is designed to tell authentic stories in spaces that stretch beyond our brand's core use case as a beverage product.

Looking to grow our value in the travel space, we turned to authentic, acclaimed voices to tell relevant stories on our behalf - asking content creators to share their passion stories with us, and empowering them to tell the stories important to them.

Our objective was to engage our audiences on their terms and via their interests, and to develop a clear connection between their values and our brand values.


Dago and his team wanted to tell the story of the Rainbow River, an area often referred to as 'The Garden of Eden' due to its outstanding natural beauty, and a place not commonly visited due to (until recently) government restrictions. This location, accessible to dedicated and committed travellers, is an excellent example of the locations we look to feature in our storytelling - an incredible example of the natural world and a place offering visitors new perspectives and the opportunity to disconnect.

More importantly, this location also provided the backdrop for an important narrative moment in our piece - with Dago confronting and making amends with the ex-FARC tour guide showing them the location - who had previously (unbeknownst to him) been Dago's kidnapper, an amazing and emotional reveal in the story that elevates it above a simple travelogue.


The overarching purpose behind our studios is to deepen brand meaning by delivering entertainment.

We gently integrated our brand into this narrative, with our primary goal being to entertain audiences with authentic and resonant content, and secondarily build connections between our brand and their values and interests, in this instance the idea of disconnecting from the complexities of life and engaging more deeply with yourself.

We create content that is of tangible value to our audiences, in this case offering insight and entertainment around a topic of growing interest to them.

Dago's film is one of over 50 pieces produced to date, all of which communicate themes and messages core to the meaning of our brand via storytelling that is compelling to our audiences.

We then leverage digital segmentation, promoting relevant content based on audience locations, characteristics, and affinities, building deeper meaning with viewers pre-disposed to engage with each story.


Development and production of a short narrative-driven piece from the perspective of our filmmaker, alongside delivery of relevant supporting assets (e.g. trailers, vignettes and photography), shot in an agile manner with a light team and a quick turnaround -- evolving from development to completion in under a month. All production design, filming and post-production was done by our content creator team to ensure it is their story that is being told.

This is then delivered to an organic social audience (the largest in the category), optimised based on results and delivered to local market teams for scaled paid media support, targeting relevant geographies and personal interests.

Local market teams commit to significant always-on paid spend, identifying projects of particular interest to their audiences and scaling them to deliver impactful increase in brand lift (avg. 37% inc. in positive brand sentiment) and exceptionally long view-through rates (avg. 50%+)


Healing at Rainbow River, as part of our wider studios output, has helped to drive significant content reach (100+M views of our content), driving an average engagement rate of 16%, with brand lift studies showing a 37% increase in brand affinity.

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