Cannes Lions
PRIME, Stockholm / MCDONALD'S / 2009
Ethnic diversity has always been an important part of McDonald’s success in Sweden. A third of the company’s 12,000 employees- including management level, are born outside of Sweden, representing more than 90 nationalities.
At the same time, McDonald’s is an employer that offers young people a valuable experience that is in demand in the labour market. Consequently, McDonald’s wanted to use the strength behind its brand name to promote and encourage positive opinions about ethnic integration and young people's right to develop.
In an attention-grabbing advertising campaign, McDonald’s explained that:“We don’t hire any foreigners!” i.e. McDonald’s hires individuals.
The ad-campaign was followed up with a successful publicity campaign, where newspapers around the country covered the benefits of ethnic diversity in the workplace. The total range for positive articles in the media during the first six months of 2008 was over 7 million. The general perception of McDonald’s as an employer became more positive: positive opinion increased by 21%. The number of job applications submitted to McDonald's during the first eight months of 2008 increased by 4 000 compared to the same period during 2007.
In the Spring of 2008, the communication focused on the theme of diversity. Advertising campaign–”We don’t employ Turks”. In February, a widely observed and hotly debated whole-page ad appeared in Sweden’s biggest papers. The goal of this ad was simply to explain McDonald’s standpoint and to create discord with the brand.Together with the advertising campaign, McDonald’s Communications Director Raymond Mankowitz wrote an op-ed in Dagens Industri which presented McDonald’s view of diversity.As a part of the diversity campaign during the spring of 2008, Raymond Mankowitz was invited to a hearing in Parliament on the intake of refugees as well as a seminar in Almedalen.McDonald’s was the first restaurant chain in Sweden in 2008 to take part in The Hotel and Restaurant Union (HRF) campaign ”Fair conditions”. Raymond Mankowitz appeared on the news on national TV.A rap competition was organised on YouTube for McDonald’s 12,000 employees.
McDonald’s image as an employer surged 21% between the first and second quarter of 2008. Question:”Is McDonald’s a good employer?”Estimated reach for positive segments concerning McDonald’s as an employer was 7,186,466 during the first half of 2008.The tone in the general debate has become more positive and in the business community McDonald’s is now seen as one of the best companies to start a successful career at.During 2007, 14,000 people applied for jobs at the country’s 230 McDonald’s restaurants, but already by August 2008 this figure had climbed to 18,000. Add to that, the number of visitors in the restaurants during 2007 rose by 4.5 million compared to the previous year. Total turnover at the end of 2007 exceeded 400,000,000 EURO. The highest figure ever.
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