Cannes Lions

Digital Detox

BBDO ATLANTA, Atlanta / AT&T / 2016

Presentation Image
Case Film
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During various forms of market research, there was a recurring theme: Consumer’s growing dependence on mobile technology. In some ways, consumers said it improves their lives. In another way, people overwhelmingly said they enjoy special occasions less because of how tied they are to social media and information. Meaning they often find themselves less in the moment.


On December 24th and 25th, AT&T blanketed the market across TV and Facebook media. To make a statement, all advertising was replaced with this important Digital Detox message. Media was selected for high profile placements such as NBA games, family holiday movies, and a broad target on Facebook.


In just a 2 day media blitz, Present outperformed key benchmarks of Importance, Likability, and Brand Opinion. As a result there was a 94% positive net sentiment (vs. 19% norm for AT&T – source: NetBase) and earned the #1 viral video for the week with over 19 million views (source: VisableMeasures). Online and media conversations drove about 22 million impressions.

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