Cannes Lions



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One way Esurance lives into its “Insurance for the modern world” tagline is that they offer all married couples, straight or gay, the same married discount. And they did this for years before the Supreme Court declared gay marriage legal across the United States.

We leveraged the national conversation and media coverage of the Supreme Court decision to release this video and let the world know that gay or straight, all children should be able to dream of their wedding day.


This video takes place at a real wedding reception on June of 2015 outside of Chicago. Children and teens that attended the wedding describe their dream weddings. They talk of things like giant cakes, frilly dresses, and yucky kisses.

Then, two gay teens at the wedding talk about how, as young children, they never thought their wedding dreams would ever be able to come true. The children then return to share their thoughts on how all wedding dreams should be equal.

Supers then appear that read, “In the modern world, all dreams should be equal. That’s why Esurance recognizes all marriages.” The video was placed in Esurance’s owned channels on facebook and YouTube.


Just days after the video was released, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of marriage equality. As the national conversation ignited, the video received over 8 million views through the weekend following the ruling. To date, it’s seen 156M impressions with 83 earned media placements including the Huffington Post, CNBC, Mashable, the Chicago Tribune, and the Daily Mail.

Ten days after the ruling, esurance’s brand awareness jumped by over 50% among our core


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