Cannes Lions

First commercial 3D printer in space

LOWE'S COMPANIES, Mooresville / LOWE'S / 2017

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Case Film






Our mission is to help people love where they live – whether that’s a home here on Earth or on the International Space Station. We set out to solve a problem for astronauts 200 miles above Earth: supplying them with tools they need, when they need them. To do this, we launched the first commercial 3D printer to space to produce commercial grade tools on demand.


The two teams met at Singularity University, a technology think tank, where they were first exposed to each other’s work in the summer of 2015. We had launched a 3D printer in a retail store earlier that year, while our partner team was busy experimenting with a zero g 3D printer. A partnership was born!

On March 22nd, 2016, we launched the 3D printer to the International Space Station. Three months later, the first commercial tool printed in space, a Kobalt wrench. The wrench was made with a special feature — a fastening clip that helps astronauts keep track of the tool in zero g. The 3D printer is now permanently stationed on the ISS where it continues to provide astronauts with access to tools.


Reach and engagement: The 3D printer is now permanently stationed on the ISS where it continues to provide astronauts with access to tools. We continue to print tools for the astronauts and support them from earth.

Impact: We successfully have begun operations as the first retailer in space, supplying tools on demand for astronauts. No one else can say that!

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