Cannes Lions


BLUE HIVE, Buenos Aires / FORD / 2014

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We were asked to do a special event for Ford´s 100 years anniversary. The challenge was to entertain the audience invited to the celebration by providing them with something different than typical institutional video. Ford had a clear objective, to tell the Brand history in Argentina by using their cars as protagonists.

Our strategy was to tell The history of Ford in Argentina by telling the story of an Argentinean family with the brand in an execution that not only involved the brand´s products but the emotional bond between Ford and Argentina.


The client was so thrilled about the result of the event that they decided to go on a tour that was not part of the plan. As for the audience we didn't reach only those who were invited but 11,000 people who watched the event online.

Through a multimedia event, mainly targeted to businessmen and opinion leaders, and to the general public by using online streaming, Ford tried to raise Primary Brand awareness, and also to strength the values ??of modernity, youthness and coolness.


First of all we run an internet campaign communicating the date of the exclusive event and showing teaser contents to generate intrigue.

Then, the media itself started to communicate and promote the event resulting in more than 11,000 people watching it via streaming. The event was held in Buenos Aires and it lasted 1 day.

But due to its success Ford decided to start a tour to show the theater play across the country.


The campaign became the most seen content of Ford Argentina social platforms to date, getting more than 110,000 views in less than a month.

Using 12% of the usual media budget, the campaign reached in 3 weeks the same results Ford used to reach in 3 months.

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2021, FORD

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