Cannes Lions

Grilled Barcodes

SANCHO BBDO, Bogota / PEPSICO / 2022

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In Colombia, BK kingdoms lack customers after two difficult years for the restaurant. Therefore, sales of Pepsi in their restaurants are decreasing too. On the other side, promotions between both brands have low redemption rates (around 5%).


How to drive traffic to the King restaurants to increase Pepsi sales inside their kingdoms and also outside them?


-Increase Pepsi sales in 11%.

-Achieve 15% of redemption in Burger King with the promo.


We realized that the barcodes on our bottles look just like grills, and decided to turn the bottles into "real grills" with the help of augmented reality and an Instagram filter, a grilled barcode that people used to cook their own burger, obtaining coupons they can later redeem on Burger King.


Centennials and Millenials open to trying new things. For the last two years, they have been witnesses and protagonists of the most accelerated digital growth Colombia had ever experienced. In a post-pandemic moment, they’re experiencing dichotomy: they want to live new experiences as before, but on the other hand, they’re more restricted economically due to the rise of unemployment and inflation in Colombia.

Even though there're many factors that affects fast food election, no one choose a QSR because of their soft drinks. People usually choose drinks after choosing their food. But we are rule breakers, we couldn't let Pepsi be the last choice, so we decide to change the rules. We made Pepsi bottles the main channel to drive traffic to Burger King restaurants. With an AR filter we create a digital promo experience that allowed consumers to have a bridge from retails to restaurants.


The first step was to create an AR filter using precise tagging over our bottle barcodes so the people could scan it and experience a virtual grill for their burgers.

In the social networks, we spread audiovisual content that told people about the new grills found in Pepsi bottles and explained how to turn them into actual burger meals at Burger King. Along with digital content with step-by-step instructions to find and use the filter on Instagram and be part of the promo.

Influencers content using the filter and grilling their burgers crave other people to try it and enjoy a burger with Pepsi.

The validity of the promo was three months. Due to the success of the experience, the promo ran out in just one month.


Due to this strategy, we not only managed to achieve historical redemption figures (Pepsi's best result within Burger King sales in recent years), but we also boosted product turnover traditional channels. Likewise, the promo helped to increase Pepsi compsumption from dispensers within Burger King restaurants.

+39.3% redeemed compared to previous promos.

+12,000 grilled burgers with our filter.

Pepsi’s sales increased 21.3% in just 2 months.

The filter was the most used during the month of December in Colombia.

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