Cannes Lions
Brazilian people love barbecues. It is one of the preferred programs between friends and families. Young people commonly have the impression that they know a lot about the preparation of a barbecue, but things can go really wrong if you miss certain points. To name a few, how to prepare a barbecue, which ingredients to buy, in what quantity, what music to play, who to invite, what to do to please women and entertain friends. These matters do take a certain time of preparation and they can transform barbecues into something tiring and boring.
That is why Skol, as a legitimate barbecue brand, decided to go beyond the speech and help their consumers to focus on what really matters in a barbecue: having fun. That is how SAC - "Skol Barbecue Customer Service;' was created: as a way to help consumers to pass more easily through "the boring part" of the barbecue preparation and go straight to the fun part: enjoying the moment with their friends and the perfect barbecue beer.
Brazilian people love barbecues. It is one of the preferred programs between friends and families. Young people commonly have the impression that they know a lot about the preparation of a barbecue, but things can go really wrong if you miss certain points. Skol, as a legitime barbecue brand, decided to go beyond the speech and help their consumers to focus on what really matters in a barbecue: having fun. That is how SAC - "Skol Barbecue Customer Service" was created, turning Skol into more than a beer: a helpful service.
The barbecue grill was one of the greatest innovations in the beer category in Brazil, proving that Skol can be more than a beer. A beer brand had never done this before and it successfully positioned Skol as the leader brand of barbecue's territory, one of the most important moments of beer consumption in the country.
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