Cannes Lions

Hey Faggot

GREY ARGENTINA, Buenos Aires / ABINBEV / 2020

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Mexico is known for being one of the countries most passionate about soccer, about 63 million Mexicans declare themselves fans of the sport. However, in recent years it has also become known for a scream in its stadiums that has crossed borders and has become the focus of criticism and even international sanctions. The famous cry “Ehh putoooo” (hey faggot) that is heard in the stadiums during the goal kick is not only a social problem since it encourages violence and discrimination in sport, but it is also a problem for the Mexicans themselves: their selection was sanctioned 14 times by FIFA.

Clubs, players and other institutions have tried to put an end to this cycle of violence but have not yet been successful. The scream is so ingrained in the behaviour of the fans that it is very difficult to end it.


From Corona, as the main sponsor of Mexican soccer, we believed that it was time to give a different answer: if we could not stop the scream in the stadiums, we would stop its spread to prevent the violence from reaching further.

We create a new advertising space at each goal kick and with a media idea we begin to fight the scream with silence, preventing the spread of violence.


We specifically seek to connect with soccer fans who go to stadiums to cheer on their teams, an audience made up to a greater extent of middle- and lower-middle-class men between the ages of 25 and 35.

At a broader level, we seek to make the entire Mexican society aware of the importance of promoting values in sport, leaving behind traditions and customs that seem harmless but contain violence and discrimination.


To combat the screaming we decided to fight it with silence.

To do so, we carry out an action never seen before. In the live broadcast of the América Vs UNAM match, we launched a new advertising space, but not at any time during the broadcast, but in a highly strategic one: the exact moment of the goal kick.

In this way, when the goalkeeper was about to get the ball, instead of hearing the famous cry, we put a few seconds of silence followed by a message “Let's silence the violence so that it does not spread. Corona, Stand out from everything that hurts football ”, urging fans to become aware and reflect on the aggressiveness of this gesture in order to put an end to it.

This initiative was replicated in dozens of matches of the Mexican soccer tournament appropriating a new advertising space.


With this original and innovative media initiative, we achieved our goal of installing the debate on violence in soccer, collaborating to prevent it from spreading any further. With our message we reached millions of Mexicans who became aware and reflected on a sad tradition that damages the sport that we all love. We also managed to get many other media and brands to echo this initiative, spreading the message.

During the transmission of each game we managed to reach more than 10 million Mexicans.

The action was valued and disseminated by different media. More than 16 articles echoed the initiative, 8 of which were in the country's widest media. This dissemination is equivalent to 2,424,487 impacts outside of our specific initiative and an advertising investment of $ 580,116.00 MXN.

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