Cannes Lions
Mercado Libre is the most important e-commerce in Latin America. A platform with more than 20 years in the market, more than 200 million users and ranked among the top 10 most visited websites of this type (e-commerce) in the world.
But with many competitors arising in the horizon, such as Amazon, we needed to create a memorable always-on digital campaign that could reinforce the top of mind positioning of the brand in the whole region, by showing our deep knowledge in what our users like, how they buy and also by imagining what their lives look like and how Mercado Libre plays a part in it.
We were asked to focus mainly in millennial buyers and non-buyers, but our campaign reached men and women from all age ranges.
Mercado Libre has 20 years of data about users and how, what and when they purchase. By using data mining to analyze different buyers, products and categories, we found interesting patterns in the users’ purchase history. We did this analysis to the top-heavy users the platform has, that way we generated snackable video ads that we sent exclusively to them to share. At the same time, those stories served as fun video content material for the brand.
Our objective was to demonstrate our users the capacity, variety and our search engine so they could get whatever they wanted, making really clear to them our brand concept and call-to-action: keep on searching.
That’s why we moved away from the focus of the traditional e-commerce, which only highlights promotions and discounts, in order to focus on the human factor: the people that belong to the Mercado Libre community, the people that are behind each purchase, and how their stories change based on the things they choose and buy.
By doing so, we took advantage of the data of the purchase histories our platform has to find the most relevant ones in a sea of millions of users and products.
Later, we selected between our top heavy users the ones that after 20 years of search history, had the most unbelievable and varied purchases and used that data to tell them a story (spot) of how their Mercado Libre purchase history kept growing (at the pace as their personal stories) with an strategic and tailor-made media plan so they were the ones that could share this spot before it was aired region-wide.
We analyzed, connect, wrote and film 20 videos that tell a fictional story (or maybe not so much) of what happens in the life of each user in between every purchase they make in the platform. We selected diverse user profiles, to have a richer campaign. We also invited some heavy users to extend their own video stories by buying new products.
This always-on campaign reinforced the positioning and top of mind of the brand because we took this big chunk of data Mercado Libre had and with a brand truth that only our platform could say, we gained positioning, sense of belonging and brand love from users in the whole Latin American region, reaching historical numbers mainly in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil and Uruguay:
+14 million New Unique Users within the Region (the brand goal was to have 200,000).
+290 million Media Impressions.
+21 million Views.
+180% Increase in Traffic site.
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