Cannes Lions

IKEA Place

72ANDSUNNY AMSTERDAM, Amsterdam / IKEA / 2018

Presentation Image
Case Film






The App helps you place furniture in your place, so that's where we found the name in 'Place'.

We brought the benefits of an Augmented IKEA to life in three different executions over 6 months, using digital content, cultural 3D products and experiential activations.

Each was born from the idea that IKEA Place lets you 'Match and Fit IKEA products to your place'. To humanise a bleeding edge technology, rather than focus purely on the tech, each execution played with the emotional tension around home furnishing decisions (too big, too small, too bright, too dull) in playful and irreverent ways.


We launched the app with a suite of poppy and playful 'hype' content (long and short films, key images and a set of ever-popular explainer GIFs), equipping tech press and IKEA fans with anything they'd need to talk about Place and AR.

At Christmas, we added 4 different kinds of 3D #Holidaytree to Place, so people could decide where to place their tree, announcing the additions via Instagram stories that used the new polling feature for an online game of 'here' or 'there'.

As Place released on Android we recruited new fans through a 3 episode mini-series 'Matchers Keepers', that borrowed from the tropes of TV game shows to resolve IKEA arguments, and earned kudos with the internet's AR expert community (Pokemon Go players) with 'Pokemon Place', an activation held in London's Victoria Park where battle masters stress tested Places' AR capabilities.


Selected highlights:

3.4M installs to date.

Avg session dwell time over 4mins.

Over 250,000 Holiday Trees placed (week on week the most popular products Placed).

'Search' feature added due to popular demand.

Avg. app store rating over 3.5.

App store 'App of the day's.

Reached No.1 in App Store AR chart.

Most downloaded (non-game) AR app.

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