Cannes Lions

Internet FM

ROSAPARK, Paris / SKODA / 2018

Presentation Image
Case Film
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27% of drivers consult social media at the wheel, which is more than one out of four cars. In France, the beginning of the school summer holidays are the busiest days on the roads and 62% of drivers listen to the radio on the motorway.

To launch Internet FM, we created archetypal accounts based on the average French person’s social media use, by liking the most popular pages and following the most popular accounts, based on our data collection (on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat).


We announced Skoda Internet FM in various steps.

We first released a teaser on social media before the big weekend.

Then, on the actual day, the 29th July, the worst day for traffic of the year, Internet FM went on air. From 6am to 10pm, we hired professional radio broadcasters to read social media feeds throughout the day, live. They read all the posts, comments, reactions and even the emojis.

We also broadcast extracts from Internet FM on Autoroute FM in the form of radio spots.

And lastly, we brought out a print campaign in service stations, inviting people to tune in.


The main objective / KPI of this campaign was to generate PR earned media.

The campaign generated 6 TV mentions on 2 main TV channels in France, 50 press mentions relayed our operation, and reached about 1.7 million users (Facebook + Twitter).

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2017, SKODA

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