Cannes Lions








Brazil is enjoying its greatest momentum when it comes to branded entertainment and the trend is for this scenario to become even more positive, mainly due to 2 factors: The first is the injection of great volumes of financial capital for the hosting of the World Cup (2014) and the Olympic Games (2016). Another factor is the new Pay-TV Law, which opens the market to new players and obliges TV channels to air a certain percentage of content generated in the country. This measure will mean an average of US$220,000 annually to stimulate national content production, and a great part of this amount will be subsidised by brands that wish to invest in branded content. Overall, the country is growing 8.8% a year when it comes to the volume of entertainment resources. We already have 46% of the resources of the entire continent, which represents more than US$23bn. This is the face of a new Brazil, very different from the 2007 scenario when Planeta Terra started, believing in a dreamed communication trend: speaking to people from the heart.


Terra is the biggest internet portal in Brazil. As a digital brand, it had a functional, distant, and cold relationship with its audience. That needed to change. 5 years ago, Brazil and Latin America were in great need of featuring in the international music concert scenario. The internet was where the hip youngster would update his or her knowledge and find out about novelties in the music scene. Terra envisioned an opportunity and created the first big indie-rock festival in Brazil. More than that, it created a festival with the best indie bands in the planet, a dream come true to any Brazilian youngster.


Planeta Terra is considered the biggest entertainment project in the Brazilian Internet. It has been voted 3 times the best event of the year by popular vote in a survey performed by one of the country’s main newspapers (Folha de São Paulo). Those that can’t make it can follow the live HD airing of the event via web, giving the portal its biggest traffic: approximately 4.6m people watch the event live in 19 different countries. The success attracted other brands that began to sponsor the festival hoping for a spot in the audience’s heart. In its last edition, Planeta Terra totalled US$10m in sales of sponsorship, turning it into a great financial and commercial success. So, the cycle is complete: from a cold and distant web image to becoming the dearest music festival in the country and back to the web in the shape of content and of a surprising business platform.

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