Cannes Lions

It Takes 2


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The question: If it takes two to make a baby, shouldn’t take 2 to raise the baby as well?

The answer: Of course, it does.

But, how do you encourage an Indian dad to actively participate in his baby’s life from Day 1?

By proving to him that babies pick up the lion’s share of their cognitive skills from their dads… Given India’s obsession with everything academic, this was key.

The more time with dad, equals more learning from baby.

The conduit: Imitation. When baby imitates you, she’s showing you what she’s learned.

So, dad is never just helping out with a chore: Singing a lullaby? Feeding? Pulling on a pair of pants (easy enough with the new Pampers Premium Care Pants)?... He’s contributing to his baby’s cognitive and social skills!

A simple idea that resonated with mums… and dads, ItTakes2 was off to a flying start.


Conversations around It Taking 2 were triggered on social media.

Research findings about parental roles and Pediatricians POVs were shared on the Pampers FB page.

Bloggers meets and Parent-Doctor forums met to take the conversation forward.

The ItTakes2 video showcased how babies learn through observation and imitation and all it takes is spending quality time with them.

Diaper Changing Stations were installed in men’s washrooms: To encourage fathers play a more active role out of home as well.

The Tara Sharma Show: A prime time show on the Star World Channel extended their support and continued the conversation; Bollywood and Sports celebrities came forward on the show to show other dads they could do it too!

Finally culminating in a celebratory Limited-Edition Pampers Pack: Featuring a father-baby duo on the cover for the very first time ever.


The campaign made some big impressions amongst mothers and father. The Online Video achieved phenomenal reach of over 21MM out of which 51% of the Facebook reach was purely organic. More than 40% of the viewers tagged their spouse.

Positive response to the diaper changing station post the launch of the campaign was registered.

Parents shared their Papa-baby diapering moments on the Pampers FB Page.

Celebrity association was strong as everyone from Bollywood stars, to India’s Cricket captain, to Famous Mommy Blogger to Parenting Experts and TV Host extended support to the movement.

The campaign also marked a significant improvement in all Focus Equity Parameters among India 1 moms between Dec to February, as indicated below.

India 1 Sept-Nov Dec-Feb

A brand I can trust 62 66

Best brand for newborns 61 67

Best Skin Care Protection 58 64

Is recommended by hospitals & baby health experts 56 63

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