Cannes Lions

Keep Ukraine Moving

UBER EATS, San Francisco / UBER / 2023

Case Film
Information Deck
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Situation: Uber was in Ukraine nearly a year, transporting people and items to safety. But how could we rally global support, without coming off boastful? And do it at a time when war-fatigue was setting globally?

Brief: How do we tell the stories of the unsung heroes aka the drivers in Ukraine who risked their lives to save others. How do we be in-service of these heroes beyond monetary donations, how do give them a platform to stamp their role in this historic war.

Objectives: Finding an agency that would be willing to work in an active war zone. How do we tell the stories of these drivers without putting them in any unnecessary danger. How do we make sure we all media is directed to supporting Ukraine and not Uber. How do we support the people of Ukraine end to end from the ideation to the execution.


• Clearly explain the creative idea - Ukraine is fading from the spotlight of the news even though the war is spreading and more civilians are at risk, how do we create an opportunity to tell the stories of people on the ground through the lens of people on the ground.

• How the creative strategy directly influenced the creative execution - By staying laser focused on the desired outcome, to rally global support, which meant more listening in creative reviews and throughout production versus giving direction/feedback.

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