Cannes Lions

Kiddi World


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Demo Film
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Situation: In Mexico, approximately 924,000 children suffer from language disorders. And, unfortunately, most of these cases won’t be detected.

Brief: Create a campaign (with digital amplification) to show that Pharmaton Kiddi is a brand committed to children's both mental and physical development.

Objectives: Promote Sanofi’s purpose “to serve healthier fuller lives” and show that Pharmaton Kiddi is committed to Mexican children and its goal is to help them achieve their full potential and capabilities.


We created the first interactive game experience that detects dyslexia, dysgraphia, and color blindness. Using medical tests for language disorders, we developed an interactive world with different levels and filled with colorful characters that guide the kids through adventures while they, unknowingly, perform a test. Guided by voiceover, children are instructed to play with words, numbers, and graphics to save Kiddi World from its villain Gomba. The game makes use of an iPad and a smartpen with technology that analyzes in real-time their lines, traces, and the pressure of their writing to identify if there is any language disorder.


Using traditional language disorders tests as a base, we developed Kiddi World, the first interactive game that gathers real time data to detect dyslexia, dysgraphia, and color blindness. The game’s technology uses an iPad and a smartpen to analyze children's strokes and determine if there are any signs of a potential disorder.

Primary target: children between 5 and 12 years old.

Secondary target: mothers with kids between 3 and 10 years old.

We took a fun and playful approach that uses unique technology to detect language disorders in children in real time, without them knowing that they are, in fact, taking a test.

Kiddi World is relevant because it creates awareness of children’s language disorders that may pass unseen and affect their development in the long term. Besides, it has a unique approach since it is a fun interactive game that, unknowingly to the kids, serves as an auto-examination tool.


• Implementation: Since Mexican children don’t have access to traditional tests to detect language disorders, we made a series of activations in schools located in vulnerable zones. In those activations, the kids played Kiddi World in their classrooms. When they finished, the game delivered a pre-diagnosis to the parents and teachers that informed them if the child was struggling with any language disorder.

• Timeline: October 18, 2019 - December 18, 2019.

• Placement: Kiddi World was taken to schools located in vulnerable zones of Mexico City and its metropolitan area.

• Scale: With Kiddi World we reached more than 1500 children of the most vulnerable schools in Mexico City, and we detected that 27% of them were suffering from language disorders.

In the long term, we see Kiddi World as an idea that can be implemented around the world to achieve a better future for all children.


We managed to place Pharmaton Kiddi as the first brand committed to the interactive detection of dyslexia, dysgraphia, and color blindness.

Brand awareness: +7.3 pts

Brand favorability: +3.1 pts

Brand and consumer awareness grew to the point that people began to ask Pharmaton Kiddi through their social media when they would take Kiddi World activations to their communities.

We reached more than 1500 children of the most vulnerable schools in Mexico City, and we detected that 27% of them were suffering from language disorders.

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