Cannes Lions


RAPIER, London / AA / 2004

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The strategy had two core elements:1. Make more of the AA brand.2. Aim for customers beyond those currently in-market. Create a clear positioning for AA loans that would communicate 'value' for those shopping next week, or the week after.These two pieces of thinking were combined to create a proposition with 'the car' at its heart, that went beyond simply communicating the rate: 'Get more car for your money with an AA Car loan'.The incentive to respond was chosen for its AA brand values too - a free Vehicle Inspection.


The campaign was a text book case study in the cumulative benefits of integration and the merits of a more brand-driven approach response. The commercial generated 14% more loans than the AA's previous execution. (Source: AA ROI Econometrics Report). Loan book advanced increase 33% in one year. (Source: CPFL Accounts 2003).ROI grew from £2.63 to £4.03; up 51%. (Source: AA ROI Econometrics Report, November 2003).

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