Cannes Lions


BUZZMAN, Paris / IKEA / 2016

Presentation Image
Scale Drawing
Case Film






68% of French people love cooking, however, they dedicate less time doing it of lack of time and knowing-how.

By easing our way into the brand’s codes that provide its emblematic flat-pack and its furniture in kit, with IKEA we invented a new range of products: recipes in a kit

In each LOVKIT:

*an IKEA kitchen utensil to cook

*the ingredients (IKEA et non IKEA) - which once assembled would give a delicious dish

*assembly instructions: the recipe replicated in the exact same design as the IKEA’s instruction notes

People could order on IKEA’s website a LOVKITS filled with special recipes that they could cook at home for the person they cared about.

Different recipes as been created and each one of them contained a specific message for a special occasion: CRÜSH, LOVIÜ, BÄBY, MÄRYMI, DÄRLIN, SLEEPLÄT

In total, 10 500 LOVKITS have been produced.


On February 3rd:

* 10 000 LOVKIT are for sale on IKEA website

* 200 LOVKITS are sending to the PR to create awareness around the LOVKIT and IKEA’s new tagline “Cooking is caring”

On February 4th:

* IKEA launches its competition on its Facebook, Instagram and Twitter account to offer 300 LOVKITS to their lucky fans. The mechanic was simple, people just had to comment under the LOVKIT they wished to receive.

On February 10th:

* After announcing the 300 winners IKEA posted the recipes of the LOVKIT to encourage its community to keep on delivering a special message to their loved one even if they didn’t get a chance to have the LOVKIT in their hands.

10 500 LOVKITS have been produced:

- 10 000 that you could order on the website

- 300 to win on IKEA social media networks

- 200 for the PR


> 10 000 kits available on IKEA website sold out within three days.

> 300 000 visits registered on the platform

• Response rate

> With the 300 LOVKITS available on IKEA social media, the brand recorded 22 176 interactions in only 24 hours between Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

> 20 million contacts have been reached between the site traffic, the articles and the publications on its social networks and more than 3.7 million euros in earned media.

• Change in behaviour

> BRAND LOVE: 100% of the comments on the publication on social media network were positives, strengthening the emotional link between IKEA and French people.

> There was a real lack of awareness around the kitchen utensils and the grocery products. Following the activation, the brand noticed an increase recognition of these two ranges of products and especially on the grocery products.

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