Cannes Lions


YOC, Berlin / NOKIA / 2012


1 Gold Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
1 of 0 items






The new Nokia Lumia 800 Mystery Ad.CAMPAIGN BACKGROUND:Nokia launches a very attractive handheld in Germany: the Nokia Lumia 800. This device is running Windows Phone. However, iOS and Android are the dominating operating systems in the mobile landscape and consumers are very keen and loyally sticking to those. Nonetheless, Nokia wants to show what it’s got to consumers of competitors’ products and convince them of a very attractive alternative.CONCEPT AND CRAFT:A refined idea: Surfing the mobile web, the user is surprised by a sudden appearance of the Windows Phone interface on their iOS or Android device – a surreal experience.No channel can be targeted as efficiently as the mobile channel: delivered only to iOS and Android users in Germany, Nokia presents a well designed, well crafted rich media mobile ad demonstrating the features of its new Lumia 800.Clicking on the ad, the user is led to a landing page providing a very smooth, native-app-like user experience. Based on state-of-the-art mobile rich-media, the user is able to look at a slide-show picture gallery presenting the new Nokia Lumia 800 features, get further information on the phone’s functions, browse through available accessories and even kick back and enjoy the embedded video.CAMPAIGN CONTEXT:Implemented using state-of-the-art rich-media technology, the campaigns hits the bullseye reaching the target group without wastage. With the creative concept of delivering an interface of a completely different operating system to an iPhone or Android device, an unreal and surprising experience is guaranteed.OTHER FACTS AND EVALUATION:The mobile campaign was delivered to iOS and Android users in Germany on mobile websites and apps between February 15th to March 31st 2012. It was accompanied by print ads and TV spots.Final evaluation of the campaign is only available after March 31st, but interim evaluations have been stunning: with a CTR of 29,7% the impact of the campaign is way above average suggesting that it has a similarly high impact on awareness and image indicators.

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