Cannes Lions
JUNG von MATT, Hamburg / DAIMLER / 2012
F-CELL is the first hydrogen-fuel-cell-technology that is ready for worldwide serial production. The campaign promoting the F-CELL technology had to be just as innovative as the technology itself.With 0.0 emissions the F-CELL is invisible to the environment. This thought was executed with a spectacular event.We sent our invisible B-Class F-CELL on a 1-week road show through Germany. What people only knew from movies, they could now experience first hand. The car turned invisible right in front of their eyes.We documented the event. The documentary was posted online and went viral. In this way our invisible car became topic #1 – not only in Germany but also abroad.
We turned the B-Class F-CELL invisible by covering one side with LEDs and the other side with a camera, which transmitted images directly to the LEDs. That way the car completely blended in with the environment, turning it invisible right in front of the pedestrians.
The YouTube video was watched more than 10m times. It received 60,000 'likes', 14,000 comments and 21,000 users selected the video as their favourite. Our documentary was ranked as No. 1 in the ‘Viral-Video-Charts’, beating superstars such as ‘Akon’ and ‘Pitbull’. During the campaign the search terms ‘F-CELL’ and ‘Invisible Mercedes’ enjoyed a disproportionate increase. Our story was covered by many international newspapers, on TV and radio. But not only the media spread our message. Our target audience turned into brand ambassadors, too. Overall, the campaign resulted in over 450m media impressions around the globe.
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