Cannes Lions


SPACE, Brussels / MARS / 2010

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The research consisted of 520 interviews. We relied on mixed fieldwork techniques:• Online self interviews, aimed at detecting either “Web only” or “TV+Web” exposures• No less than 200 face-to-face interviews, with a PDA-based protocol that was as identical as possible to the online version.

The purpose of the face-to-face part was clearly to give “TV only” contacts the largest possible chance to be recorded.Questionnaire highlights: • Product consumption frequency• Aided brand awareness (brands within the category)• Viewing frequency 10 TV channels• Surfing frequency• Spontaneous ad recall per brand• Recall of the 10″ commercials with hidden brand identification• Correct attribution• Recall origin (TV, web, cinema, don’t know)• Agreement with statements• Rating spot (mark 1 to10)The tested itself consisted of 265 GRPs on TV and 75 GRPs on web (80/20 breakdown).


• The daring mixed fieldwork techniques have proved unbiased in terms of brand awareness and may therefore be considered standard.• When adjusted to its GRP level, the online video part of the campaign is at least as effective as TV. One web GRP proved to be 4 times more effective in creating either copy awareness or attribution to the brand, than one TV GRP.• Spots in online video show a 17% optimisation in likeability compared to TV.• The declared propensity to use the product doubled (17% to 34%) when exposures to the web were added to TV.

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