Cannes Lions


OMD HUNGARY, Budapest / VODAFONE / 2009

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Who better to champion the cause of the “neglected” than Robin Hood and Rozsa Sandor (A Hungarian Outlaw) travelling the land and declaring “Rewards for the People” attached to an arrow from Robin’s bow?

Fulfilling the Heroes promises in media, our strategy focused on Impact: multi-media tease and reveal, 3D Billboards and special outdoor constructs featuring the extending arrow, ubiquitous online presence. Personal: Flyers attached to people’s front doors, talking city lights, ATM floor stickers. Enduring: Hungary’s first ever live commercial in Cinema, irregular print sizes.

The overall combination of tactics aimed to enhance the non-conforming, or even Outlaw attitude of Vodafone when changing the rules of pre-paid.


Sales Up: Vodafone pre-paid sales were an unprecedented 125% above forecast for the campaign period.Message Received: “Special or different” was the top mentioned attribute by two thirds of consumers four weeks into the campaign, a 93% uplift.Everybody Loves a Hero: Rozsa & Robin’s outlaw behaviour almost immediately achieved folklore status, appearing unfunded on YouTube, and on a plethora of blogs both private and professional. The click through rate for Vodafone’s online campaign was double the market average.

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