Cannes Lions

Night Creature Generator

BBDO NEW YORK, New York / BACARDI / 2017

Case Film
Presentation Image
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The ‘Night Creature Generator’ is a Spotify activation which lets you discover your own night creature by analyzing your unique listening history. Simply log into Spotify via a micro-site at The ‘Night Creature Generator’ analyzes your listening history, looking for the most prominent music genres listened to and the sonic information of your most listened tracks (Spotify categorizes every song in their database with a 0-100 score on 8 attributes—Beats Per Minute, Energy, Danceability, Loudness, Valence, Length, Acoustic, Popularity). It then references your information with parameters designated for our different Night Creature archetypes, and a match is given. You are then presented with your ‘Night Creature’ name and a unique personalized playlist of music in that ‘genre’ which the user hadn’t listened to before. No two playlists were the same.


Video, audio and banner ads on Spotify directed users to the Night Creature Generator microsite. Once users allowed access to their Spotify account, their listening history was analyzed and their Night Creature was revealed with a personalized playlist. Each playlist featured album artwork for that Night Creature. This artwork was designed to be shared out by users, along with their Night Creature playlists. The full list of Night Creatures were: ‘The Crowd Pleaser’ (users who listen to chart music). ‘The Hipstercrat’ (people who listen to alternative music). ‘The Obscurist’ (people who listened to obscure music). ‘The Fist Pumper’ (people who listen to high energy music). ‘The Zen Master’ (users who listen to chilled music). ‘The Poptimist’ (people who listen to pop). ‘The Night Dreamer’ (people who listen to quiet / ambient muic). ‘The Discologist’ (people who listen to danceable music). ‘The Time Traveler’ (people who listen to retro music).


Over 36,000 users visited the playlist generating page on the microsite with 66% of them authorizing their Spotify account to find their ‘Night Creature.’ This generated 24,388 individually unique playlists, informed by behavioral listening data. And the campaign achieved 31 million media impressions. The creature archetypes that these users were categorized into fell in line with the popularity of their type. The Obscurist creature, which was categorized by an average popularity score of the user's top tracks being 10 or below, was our lowest prescribed label at only 0.3% of users. While the Discologist, an average danceability score of user's top tracks being 50 or higher, was our highest awarded title at 20.5% of all users. By using data in a creative, interactive way we were able to tell the user something new about themselves. The Night Creature Generator was a highly successful data driven activation that allowed Bacardi to target and connect with their audience and strengthen their association to music and nightlife.

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