Cannes Lions

Not Like Insurance

NET#WORK BBDO, Johannesburg / VIRGIN / 2017

Presentation Image
Case Film
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Meet COIL, or the Club of Insurance Lovers. They are a small but fanatical group of people that LOVE insurance. What could they possibly love about insurance you ask? Well, they love all the things everyone else hates. They love the being on hold for ages, the tricky policy wording, the tiny courtesy cars.


We used social influencers and radio personalities to drive eyes to the mockumentary which sets the tone for the campaign. The TV ad fully capitalized on the momentum created by the teaser campaign to deliver a powerful statement about the insurance industry and Virgin’s new take on it.


Online we reached over 1.5million people, garnered a massive 232 000 engagements and achieved an impressive 30% view through rate. Just three weeks after going live we had already achieved 46% of our target and our sales rate was tracking above expectation at 18.6% (target was 16.5%). The campaign achieved double the conversions projected, with digital website conversions of over 20%.

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