Cannes Lions


McCANN ERICKSON , Brussels / OPEL / 2007

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Briefing: find a concept to tease the Opel billboards campaign for the Brussels Auto Show 2007. Knowing that the media landscape in January is overloaded with automotive campaigns, the communication objective was to create buzz and awareness around the billboard campaign. The target was pretty wide (18+) as the billboard campaign was highlighting 4 models within different target groups. The campaign started with the theft of a 36m2 billboard by a young blogger, who posted his story and a Belgian shock-log picked it up. A call for witnesses was then published in major Belgian newspapers and the buzz started…


Dec 26th : A 20 year-old Flemish blogger and some friends decide to steal a 36m2 billboardDec 27th : He writes about it and posts the movie they made on YouTube, other popular blogs reblog the story and generate a lot of views/reactions concerning the stuntDec 28th : The biggest Belgian newspapers publish a call for witnesses, popular websites & blogs take over the theft news - Opel sends an e-mail to its database with the call for witnessesJan 2nd : Launch of the offline campaign - Official press-release to all journalists in Belgium revealing the stunt and buzz campaign

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