Cannes Lions


HILL HOLLIDAY, Boston / OXFAM / 2012

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The task was to create a video that would get people talking about how terribly the U.S. government handles their food aid budget. Every year, millions of dollars end up in the pockets of special interest groups instead of helping to feed millions of hungry people. It’s an enormous problem that needed to be exposed. Mindful of budget constraints, we had to think of something that would be easy to execute – something down and dirty. Ironically, the end result was anything but, thanks to the collective collaboration of many different companies donating their time.

The mask-creating guru, worked around the clock to build an elephant head and a donkey head that looked life-like but were also delightfully life-threatening. The production company donated their production company’s resources, and the director lent us his time as a director as well as a photographer. The post-production company tackled the task of editing it, and cut together a moving motion picture that just a few weeks earlier was but a paragraph on a page. Hopefully when you watch it, not only will the video itself be disturbing, but so will its haunting message.

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