Cannes Lions


N=5, Amsterdam / KPN / 2016


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Case Film
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Pridestream made it possible for all LGBT’s worldwide to fully experience the highlight of the Amsterdam Gay Pride: the boat parade through the city's canals. While all other boats were full of people, the Pridestream boat had actually nobody on it. Instead it was equipped with a 360° camera with a live stream on a secured website. On this (mobile) website, gyroscope technique made you feel you were actually on the boat. You could look all around you, simply by moving your smartphone, tablet or laptop. Huge LED screens on the boat showed videos of LGBT’s from all over the world. It gave the boat a face and made the hundreds of thousands of spectators on the side of the canals cheer extra loud for the virtual passengers who were logged in on Pridestream. Making them feel accepted for who they truly are.


The website was the heart of the campaign. We distinguished three different phases: before, during and after the Amsterdam Gay Pride. Prior the event we mobilized the LGBT communities via a ready to share toolkit, which could be found on On the day of the Amsterdam Gay Pride, the site turned into a secured live stream, which made you experience the event like you were there. And for those who just couldn’t get enough of it, you could relive the entire route of the boat on the site after the event was finished.


Saturday 1st of August 2015 was the busiest Amsterdam Gay Pride ever. Amongst all boats on the Canal Parade filled with dancing, partying people there was one ‘empty’ boat. This boat actually had more people ‘on’ it than all other boats in the Canal Parade. More than 68.000 people from 128 countries worldwide, including many from areas where homosexuality is still big taboo and even illegal, sailed along as virtual passengers via livestream. Pridestream was published in over 150 (inter) national media titles and broadcasted in 4 radio shows. Which resulted in a total of 80.540.948 impressions with over 4 million impressions on Facebook, 1.7 million impressions on Twitter and 74.576.428 earned media impressions. Worth an estimated value of more than 1 million euro in free publicity. KPN gained a lot of praise for the initiative, and has proved her brand mission ‘Feel Free’ in an impactful manner.

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