The pandemic brought along many challenges that were never-before-seen. Our society was plagued by an uncertainty for the future. Telekom saw the urgency to relieve the pain and to lend a helping hand.
Among all issues, we identified one that loomed heavily among our most valued target group GenZ: career uncertainty.
Telekom understood how vital technology is in the lives of youngsters and its potential contribution to a better future. Adhering to this positive outlook, Telekom set out to provide GenZ with tangible solutions through the connected technology central to our service, reassuring them that if they have a passion, they will be #futureproof.
The communication approach was designed to help the brand achieve the following:
• Business Objective: Strengthen Telekom’s relationship with GenZ and inspire their loyalty as customers.
• Marketing Objective: Increase Telekom’s brand attributes within this specific segment and position the brand as a preferred provider of choice.
To complement our creative strategy, we developed a communication approach that triggers GenZ’s natural media usage behavior. At the heart of Project Futureproof is a freely accessible web app/online hub designed to inspire and support GenZ. While the former highlights the value of their existing passions and skills, the latter helps identify future careers and provides useful resources to help them navigate the world of work more easily.
Project Futureproof was realized in two phases, involving channels particularly dominated by GenZ, such as Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, TikTok and Spotify:
Phase 1 – Awareness: A clear focus was put on generating video completions, and to bring the message across.
Phase 2 – Engagement: Further contexts were given through retargeting to increase user engagements. The optimization in this phase was switched from video views to link clicks.
Beyond the tool, Telekom also created real world spaces and opportunities that further engaged the audience.
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