Cannes Lions


ALMACENES EXITO, Envigado / EXITO / 2020

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Almacenes Éxito was born more than 70 years ago, and has been characterized to bring Colombian families together around the table. However, their communication has always been based on the conception of traditional families; a stereotype that has become blurred by the wide variety of family typologies that have emerged in recent decades and has moved away from the brand. This has driven the brand to understand nowadays audiences and respond to have experiences that suit them better, establishing Éxito as a the social and cultural icon that has always been, starting from a new speech, aiming to have a more inclusive country that allows the brand to be a significant part of modern families.


On June 29th, day of the Pride Parade, we decided to unite the diversity of colors from 285 different brands to convert 3 aisles from our stores to a branded flag of the LGBTI community.


A gondola is the best example of differences between colors and positions.

Retail stores have all the colors and positions of the consumer brands found in our country so, why not unite them to give a clear posture in favor of diversity and celebrate love from all types of couples?

Brands are a common element between different people/families and because of this we wanted to position them as a way to connect with our audiences. We speak to all types of families: traditionals, modern, with children, without children, made up from men, women, etc. We want to to reach all possible families, they are all welcomed at Éxito.


1. The night of June 28th, just before the day of the parade, a complete gondola was intervened in 3 different stores that were on the route of the march. More than 285 brands changed their position, all to reach the colors of the LGBTI flag.

2. Early in the morning, the stores opened their doors and employees stood outside with LGBTI flags to support the march, while influencers from the community invited through their social media the assistants of the march to come to the stores to take a picture with the colorful gondola.

3. Audiovisual production was done to amplify content on social media and launched during the parade on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, delivering a message of diversity and inclusion on behalf of the brand, inviting people to visit the store and see their flag.


The satisfaction indicators of the brand reported a higher increase on the three stores where the activation was held: an increment of 5.1% vs. 1.54% average increase that the other stores from the brand presented during this time.

The activation reached more than any other organic publication in the history of the brand:

Facebook: Interactions were 20 times stronger vs the strongest publication at the time:

1. Reach: +215%.

2. Shares: +229%.

3. Comments: +4.250%

4. Likes: +1.401%

Twitter: ÉxitoPride was the most viewed content of the brand since the channel was opened.

1. Impressions: +251%


2. Stories: 862%

Besides the numbers, this action gave the opportunity to the brand to give a clear message to all new types of homes, showing that Exito stores have their doors open for all of them.

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