Cannes Lions
E3, Milan / PHILIPS / 2008
In English, "senza peli sulla lingua" (without hairs on the tongue) means someone that talks and writes very directly without embarrassment and the name of the contest was "Blogger senza peli".Copywriting of the paid post that advertised the contest was easy and friendly as it was written by the owner of the blog.One sentence from those post was "write a post inspired by your body hair (if you are a man) or inspired by your partner's body hair (if you are a woman but also if you are a man)".
More then 40 bloggers participated, around 60 people wrote about it in comments, personal blogs, Twitters, Tumblr, forum and other social sites.We reached through our blogosphere engagement about 5,000 unique users.Link popularity of website increased and now that site is ranked 5th and 6th searching “Philips site” on
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