Cannes Lions

Rediscover Germany


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The Corona Summer 2020. Worldwide travel bans. Shattered holiday dreams and great depression. It was an extreme challenge for Deutsche Bahn.

How to position holidays in Germany by rail as a serious alternative to cancelled long-distance travel? And more importantly, how can we ensure that tourism flows are not only concentrated on the hotspots of the North Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Alps?


The Corona Summer 2020. Worldwide travel bans. Shattered holiday dreams and great depression. It was an extreme challenge for Deutsche Bahn.

How to position holidays in Germany by rail as a serious alternative to cancelled long-distance travel? And more importantly, how can we ensure that tourism flows are not only concentrated on the hotspots of the North Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Alps?

Two questions, one answer. We proved that you can discover the whole world in Germany.


When Germans cancelled international travels, we decided to bet on local travel.

Throughout an extremely critical year for the travel industry, we joined forces with 16 local tourism associations to make Germany the alternative for German travelers.

Our joint effort multiplied our strikingly simple campaign message with their PR power.

Every PR action led to our website. At, travelers could discover the whole world within Germany.


This is communicated with a broad-based social media campaign.

On the landing page, which plays a key role, you can find endless inspiration.

A perfect user experience is ensured by the extremely simple user guidance, which offers endless possibilities to discover Germany in a new way. Those with a preference for Asia will find it in Saxon Switzerland or the Kaiserstuhl. If you fancy the Philippines or the Acropolis, you'll find them in Bavaria. And so on and so on.

Always just one click away from booking a ticket. Seamlessly linked with the content of 16 tourism associations. Hundreds of destinations. Tens of thousands of lines of text. Millions of clicks. And endless positive reactions.

Deutsche Bahn was loved like never before in this summer dominated by the Corona crisis. In a representative Yougov survey, commissioned by the Handelsblatt, on the most popular brands of 2020 Deutsche Bahn was by far the strongest achiever.


Deutsche Bahn was loved like never before in this summer dominated by the Corona crisis.

In a representative Yougov survey, commissioned by the Handelsblatt, on the most popular brands of 2020 Deutsche Bahn was by far the strongest achiever.

16 tourism associations in Germany displayed our content on their own websites, wrote articles and even reported on our campaign in TV news broadcasts.

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