
Roadcross «Cracking Insta-Filter/Influencer/PR»

FARNER PR, Zurich / ROADCROSS / 2021

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Case Film
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Smartphones are the lifeline for Generation Z. It links them with everything that’s dear to them. But the fear of missing out triggers them to check it 85 times a day, no matter where. With dire consequences.

Distraction due to smartphones has replaced drunken driving as the number 1 reason for serious traffic accidents.

The goal of the campaign was to make the target group aware of the dangers and to make them think.


How do you get a message across to a target group that doesn't want to hear it? We all know the fun AR filters that young people like to play around with. We created exactly one of those filters: The SMOMBIE Filter – an AR filter with a shocking twist. Once you film yourself with it and turn your head to the side, the effect comes into play.

Screeching tyres sound, the screen shatters and our warning message appears. For the launch, 22 top Swiss influencers posted their own story for free, using our integrated AR filter. The filter and the campaign made it to the mainstream media.


Gen Z is one of the most difficult audiences to reach and there are only a few channels where we can get to them. We convinced 22 of the top Swiss influencers to participate in our campaign for free. The key message for them was: You have responsibilities and you don't want to lose followers unnecessarily. We then created a special AR filter for their stories. The SMOMBIE Filter – an AR filter with a shocking twist. With the filter the campaign gained a co-creative element, which gave the followers the possibility to share their message with peers as well.


We reached our young target audience by utilizing their medium of trust (Insta-stories), thus letting them carry the message peer-to-peer instead of lecturing them about safety. The AR filter made it possible to co-create, which gave it even more credibility. Thanks to the amplification by the 22 influencers, the message spread fast and the AR filter became popular, even mainstream media was covering it broadly.


22 of Switzerland top influencers participated for free and created 22 Instagram Stories using our AR filter

Earned Reach Influencers: 3.3 Mio followers (per December 31, 2020 918'065 people between the ages of 16 to 25 lived in Switzerland)

62 media mentions among it a national primetime TV broadcast (10vor10) . Reach media: 4.3 Mio

Media equivalent value: CHF 473k

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