Cannes Lions

Samsung Galaxy S7 Mobile Context Campaign

LEO BURNETT, Warsaw / SAMSUNG / 2017

Case Film
Case Film
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Apart from targeting we were searching for insights, which would facilitate a better understanding of the users’ behavior and adjusting the message. By analyzing the behavior of Galaxy S7 buyers we defined the most important everyday use smartphone features. Conclusion: they don’t focus on design only but try to live “worry free” – minimizing stressful situations. They don’t want to worry if they take a photo in good lighting, they don’t want to fear that their smartphone will get wet and they don’t want to worry about low battery or disc space shortage. They always have their smartphone on them and they use it on various occasions – to contact the world, to manage time, to work and for fun. It often replaces other devices. Using this knowledge we put emphasis on specific problems and their best possible solution – Galaxy S7. In order to further highlight its characteristic, we concentrated on the Samsung (S4, S5, S6, Note 3 or 4), Apple, Sony, Huawei, LG and Nexus owners.


In consideration with the real time generated iOS and Android operating system information we created precise targeting based on deep system functions and mechanisms. It allowed for distinction of these moments and addressing them in real time:

- Lack of power – targeting smartphones with battery level below 15% - communicating wireless fast charging

- Disc space shortage – when disc space usage reached at least 85% - memory card compatibility

- Smartphone damage – “Guard” Safety Package

- Waterproof option – targeting smartphones within the rainfall areas – weather forecast data from weather apps.

- High camera light sensitivity – targeting smartphones where the Sun declined (weather app data)

- Samsung ecosystem: compatibility with smartwatch and 360 VR – iOS only


The campaign generated over 5,6 mln PV and 667K UU reach, over 210K clicks and 86K sessions based only on deep system function targeting.

Average CTR - 3,74 reached a maximum of 8,22%. Average bounce rate – 40% reached up to 37,55%.

Average session time – 1 m. 30 sec. and the interaction rate was 6,67%.

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