Cannes Lions

Samsung Re:Connect


Presentation Image
Demo Film
Supporting Images






The new, post-pandemic reality has resulted in a paradigm shift for Germany's consumer behavior. Samsung intended to capitalize on the fact that this hybrid new world is founded on and powered by connectivity, which paved the way for consumers to navigate both worlds using their cross-category connected devices.

The brief to the agency was to create a "future forward" brand experience which appeals to both Millennials and Generation Z, elevating Samsung as a tech leader, and utilizing its devices across several categories to demonstrate the importance of connectivity in a post-pandemic world.

The main objective was to target Gen MZ through various channels, to raise awareness for Samsung connected smart devices, and to act as a launching ground for Samsung latest foldable phones.


ReConnect: a one-of-a-kind phygital experience where the metaverse meets the realverse. The month-long installation, which blurred the boundaries between both worlds, gave visitors a chance to experience a hybrid new world where connectivity opens the door to possibility.

Using Samsung devices, visitors could explore, interact, and connect with two worlds at once, and thus, they learned about the benefits of connected devices and experienced the true potential of connectivity first-hand.


An immersive installation where visitors from our main target audience (Gen MZ) can experience the metaverse and the realverse in one place. Using Samsung devices, visitors can explore, interact, and connect with two worlds at once, and thus, they learn about the benefits of connected devices and experience the true potential of connectivity first-hand.


The experience consisted of two interlocking parts – physical and digital. In the physical world, a month-long experiential event hosted in a 550m² space in the heart of Berlin allowed visitors to experience the metaverse on a never-before scale. In the metaverse, not only did it mirror the physical space, but also visitors were able to virtually experience everything the experiential event had to offer.

Throughout it all, Samsung connected devices acted as portals between the metaverse and the realverse. Visitors could start exploring the location in our custom-built Web3 platform by choosing an avatar, creating their own, or even directly loading their Ready Player Me avatar. We created a mobile app, which allowed visitors to create AI-Artworks in the realverse and see them exhibited in the metaverse gallery in real-time. Visitors in both worlds were also able to discover and preorder the newly-launched Galaxy foldables in an omnichannel environment, or even enjoy a virtual drink while partying at a metarave and pair it with an actual drink in the realverse's all-night party.

Instead of claiming that the Metaverse would replace our real world, Samsung showed that with connected smart devices, we can make the best of both.

ReConnect touch points:

• Digital:

- ReConnect Metaverse

- ReConnect Campaign Website

- Banners on Samsung Members App

- Product In-Screen advertising

- Newsletters to (CRM) Database


• Social Media:

- YouTube-Shorts

- Facebook (Events, Posts and Stories)

- Instagram (Reels, Stories and Posts, Influencer Marketing — Use of two influencers with IG Stories)

- LinkedIn (Events and Posts)

• Print:

- Flyers



Re:Connect was not only a great promotion for Samsung's connected devices, but it also a real added value for visitors, both in the virtual and physical world ⎻ as the installation showed how to imagine a future full of possibilities which we can all look forward to.

26,000+ Physical and virtual visits

6,500+ AI-Artworks Created

5,000,000+ Total reach

1.5x Higher social media engagement

6,000+ Galaxy foldable preorders

37% of traffic was from Apple users, followed by Huawei with 15%, Xiaomi 6%, 4% of Google and 3% from Oppo

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