Cannes Lions
RYAN PARTNERSHIP, Wilton, Ct / DOVE / 2013
Dove has famously built its brand on the foundation of 'Real Beauty by Real Women'. So what better way to celebrate the soft, smooth results of Dove than to let all real women who use the products, and their beautiful skin, speak for themselves? As part of a commitment to helping all women realise their personal beauty potential, we created the brand’s first living ad campaign— composed entirely of photos submitted by real women. We gave all women the opportunity to take centre stage, and show the world just how beautiful they really are.
Our goal was to positively shift brand favourability—not easy with high benchmarks in awareness and loyalty. But with one billion media impressions, Dynamic Logic/Millward Brown studies reported double-digit lifts in brand appeal, message association and purchase intent, especially among critical non-Dove users and our younger target, both key to building the franchise. Site engagement surpassed goals + 80%, and social media & site surveys captured overwhelmingly passionate reactions of 'innovative', 'interesting & exciting', and 'celebrating real women'. Months after paid support ended, consumers are still uploading gallery photos the world over—proving SHOYO remains a truly living campaign.
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