Cannes Lions


SERVICEPLAN, Munchen / SKY / 2015

Case Film
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The technology is an innovation within the QR code platform - a unique way to combine (live) film content with a direct response mobile channel.

It solves two problems:

1. The lack of an engaging direct response channel in “traditional”, non-interactive moving image media channels like tv or OoH screens.

2. The still relatively low engagement rate of QR codes.

The real-time adaptive QR code technology combines the two in the most simple and meaningful way: The content becomes the channel.

Because the QR code's “pixel” structure is used to display the underlying moving image content, at up to 30 fps.

What may be seen as a downside - b/w color and low resolution - is not only the focus of further development. It also improves engagement:

Seeing some, but not all appeals to the basic instinct of curiosity, creating the irresistible urge to see more.

The setup is quite simple:

Video frames are captured via frame-grabber, buffered in RAM with a custom client software and sent via distribution-thread to free server-threads.

Frames are encoded in b/w.

b/w frames are rendered into QR codes (overlay, rendering with 32 threads on 4 Octacore 4Ghz/20GB RAM GPUs and one QR render-thread per core), which also contain the information for forwarding to e.g. a website after a scan.

(This is possible because of the built in redundancy within the QR code structure: A small part contains the information, the rest confirms that information. Since with 25 codes per second, there is more chance to deliver information, redundancy could be decreased.) After between 0.3 and 0.7 sec processing time, the frames are returned and streamed.

Real time was achieved through distribution of the processing via standard gigabyte network and processing time below 1 sec.

Improving the resolution and integration of color is the focus of further development.


The long term goal is to improve the real time adaptive QR code technology and increase implementation/ adoption.

The technology is undergoing further development in terms of improving the resolution of the code and the possible integration of color. The scaling depends on the adoption by clients. A sale is not contemplated.

We think the technology has the potential to have a big impact on the industry. As mentioned above, (live) film and mobile as a response channel are just at the beginning of immense growth. And the real-time adaptive QR code is a technology that works with these trends and will capitalize on their rise. It satisfies the need for a direct response channel for non-interactive moving image media channels.

The real time adaptive QR code technology has been used for the first time ever in the SKY SQREENING promotion, where it was the key to reaching 15 Mio. contacts,

1800% higher engagement rate compared to standard QR codes, 94% sharing rate and 23% increase in sales, compared to sales after similar matches before.

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