Cannes Lions



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This is the first time a consumer brand like Sprite chose to try reaching its target audience with two things they love most - social media and music - and to use the message of pursuing passions as the driving force behind the campaign. The entire effort is music focused and thus is different than traditional ad campaigns in that an unlikely impresario (i.e. Sprite) launched and supported the career of an artist in a time where the music industry and many artists are struggling. Sprite invested a significant portion of its media budget into this non-traditional effort, which follows a young pop star on her quest for fame and fortune and invites users to determine the story line.


Effectively engaging with 'digital natives'. For the first time ever, a series has been entirely designed and produced around a truly interactive platform bringing the concept of the online community to the fore by seamlessly integrating Facebook interactions directly inside YouTube videos – a capability previously not available until this effort - enabling users to be an integral and active part of the Green Eyed World story from beginning to end. At any time during Green Eyed World, viewers were able to comment or vote, creating a live dialogue between themselves, their friends and their heroin – Katie Vogel. The creative concept is relayed everywhere digital natives are: YouTube homepage presence in 6 languages;Global diffusion of the series (mobile, legal peer-to-peer sharing, social networks, traditional TV); Free iPod/iPhone application via iTunes; Live Events/Artist Showcases (UK, EU, US); Outdoor/Indoor Advertising; Special packaging on Sprite cans; Promotional merchandising.


The Green Eyed World effort far exceeded expectations for driving brand awareness, brand perceptions and provided key consumer insights (29% of the audience is based on user-shared videos; 25% of the branded exposure comes from organic viral growth, e.g. intelligent viral distribution), key new organisational capabilities and improved ROI (cost/GRP to drive sales) vs. traditional campaigns. Specifically the effort drove: Awareness: 492,628,377 branded messages delivered on target; Deep Branded Experience: 3,255,248 branded content views on Sprite’s YouTube Channel; Ambassadorship: 48,000,000 feed posts; Media Synergy: 800,558 video views outside YouTube & Facebook indicate the viral success of the effort for both the client and the consumer.

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